I liked the pandemic

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“She is crazy!” is probably first thing that comes to mind when you read this title. Yes, I know I am odd, and I didn’t know how “great” this pandemic was until now as I am reflecting on these recent months.

Working and studying from home have definitely created lots of challenges, not to mention the lack of in-person social interactions which are not exactly a good fit for us social human beings. With my line of work, I have been blessed with technologies which have enabled me working remotely for over a decade. Like most businesses/professionals, my work was negatively impacted during the early days of pandemic, and meanwhile, I think I also have a contrarian view on this once-in-a-century global pandemic:

I liked the fact that the pandemic gave me an opportunity to pause, think and re-assess, unlearn and relearn what I really value, professionally and personally.  I could not change the world situation so I double down and focused on the important things I could manage and change.

I liked that I had an opportunity to rest my mind and body, and to refresh and reset, been roaring at work (and at play) as we started to come out of the lockdown.

I liked the fact that the pandemic provided the space, time to be curious, to experiment with all sorts of ideas and ways of doing things and it has brought some surprising results.

I liked the fact that these times allowed me to binge-read a wide spectrum of fiction and non-fiction books.  I enjoy most the Nordic police procedural crime novels, and it feels like I have been “travelling” but without taking the actual long-haul flights!

I liked the fact that I managed to keep up my exercise regime, I tried cross training which I wouldn’t have done without covid, and now that I came out stronger physically which enable the level of creative expressions I never experienced before.

I liked the fact that I now realized multitasking is not exactly a good quality. Laser-focus is what I need if I am to produce exceptional work, both professionally and personally.

I liked the fact that the pandemic let us know that we are all in the same boat regardless of your social status/nationalities, and that we have a chance to learn about perspectives which can often feel so foreign to our own.

I liked the fact that these times allows us to try, to tinker, to do something out of the usual comfort zone.

And yes most of these “I liked” came after the fact, when I realized that the world was not going to end, my business was not going to dry up completely…

When I slowed down, I could see that the harder I worked, the more I worried about the closed borders, people not buying and or traveling causing business to stop/start/stop again… the worse I was making my experience.  I still had to do something with all the stress energy so I kept working but I followed the “Do no harm” advice, slowed way down, and didn’t make any radical changes.   I started setting aside time each day for looking at what I could do to prepare the waters for an upturn, what new business opportunity might emerge if I was really listening to my customer and candidates…  I made a list of what new skills I should learn that I had been putting off… and I made the most of the limited physical and social contact that I could safely encourage/experience.

We are not out of this pickle yet. Limiting physical contacts and travel (plus many other covid protocols) could be here to stay, and could dramatically change what and how we do the work we do, at least for a while…

I hope this contrary perspective might help.  What can you share, what is working for you, what opportunity could you see, or even what is the biggest sustaining, staffing, and recruitment challenge you face, maybe we can all solve it together.

Meanwhile, as we are coming to a close of year 2021 I wish you all the best in the New Year and am grateful to have had the chance to work with, listen to, be associated with you.